How to Influence Influencers



In this article you’ll learn

— Why influencer marketing is important

— How to identify influencers

— How to make initial contact with influencers

— Strategies for getting what you want

— The details of the few available outreach studies available on influencer marketing

Developing online visibility to sell your product or service, whether it be through search engine optimization, social media or other sources, is very difficult. Anyone who has actually tried it will tell you that. But there is a shortcut available. It’s called influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is the process of forging strategic relationships with people that can greatly accelerate the process of getting your online brand visibility, traffic and ultimately, sales.

These are the people in your niche that have already made it. They have traffic on their site, Facebook page, or YouTube channel. They are already loved by Google. The point of influencer marketing is then to appease these web celebs in any way possible so that they can share some of that online love with you.

Here’s our quick crash course on the subject. Enjoy!

Why do I need influencers?

There are a number of common ways in which influencers help you. They can:

Write a guest post. This will create additional content for your site. Also, the influencer’s fans will then visit your site, possibly buying something from you but helping your traffic and exposure in any case.

Introduce you to another influencer.

Give you a link. This is INVALUABLE for SEO.

Give you traffic. By directly mentioning you, or linking to you, they can literally drive hundreds of thousands of people depending on how famous they are.

Create social signals. By pointing their spotlight on your web property, they will create an uptick in retweets of your content, “likes” of your Facebook page and other valuable social signals. These will help you turn into a social media success.

Create trust and authority. If you are a new brand in an industry that requires trust then this can be very important. Imagine you just opened up a brand new online shoe store. No one knows about you. Why should they trust you with their credit card info? Yet if the next day, someone’s favorite blogger started writing about your shoes, their audience would have no hesitation about buying one.

How to identify influencers

The first step in influencer marketing is building a list. The list should contain:

The name (first and last) of the influencer.

The URL of the influencer. Whether this be a YouTube video, Facebook page, their blog, or their personal website.

The PageRank of the influencer’s website, if applicable. The higher their website’s PageRank, the better the influencer will be for you from an SEO standpoint. Use this tool to check PageRank:

The estimated reach of the influencer. This can be defined in a number of ways: The total views on their YouTube channel, number of Twitter followers, traffic estimates from (warning: These are not very accurate), number of Facebook likes, number of comments and other metrics.

As much contact info about them as you can get your hands on. Don’t be afraid to go stalker…er…”social researcher” here: Facebook profile, email, LinkedIn, YouTube, phone number, everything is on the table.

The Search

I foundz my influencer, haz u?

I foundz my influencer, haz u?

In order to identify the right candidates, conduct research using keywords or concepts that are appropriate for your business.

For example, if you’re selling health foods, anyone who is in the holistic health or fitness space might be a good influencer for you. Try brainstorming all of the variations that may be relevant. If I were to start the search for a health foods business, I would check out farming, yoga, nutrition, dieting, meditation, exercise, organic, vegan, vegetarian, Chinese medicine and more. These fields have varying levels of significant to the original term, but it doesn’t matter. They’re close enough to be relevant.

When you search for influencers, make sure to search:

— In the regular Google search box

— In the Google blogs section

— In Facebook

— On YouTube

— On LinkedIn

Sooner or later, you will come across individuals who run blogs, have videos and clearly have a pre-existing audience you can tap in to.

Next…the contact

In Spy Games, Robert Redford’s character, a CIA handler named Nathan, told his trainee (Brad Pitt) he had 5 minutes to ascend the stairs of an adjacent building, meet a total stranger, and start drinking tea with them on the balcony– in full view of Redford.

The agent did it WITHOUT the help of the internet. The movie never explained how it was done but given the character we can assume it was some combination of avarice, manipulation, intellect, flirtation, charm and raw magnetism. That’s the same enigmatic formula you will have to follow if you hope to court your influencer…

Start by making initial contact: Read their stuff, watch their vids, add them on LinkedIn, FB, Twitter. Leave comments on their blog and make yourself generally known; a vital contributor to their community. Don’t say a word about yourself, just post in response to their content. Keep this up for a few weeks at least and

Then…it’s good ol’ fashioned courtship

influencer baby kiss

As with love, influencer acquisition is best done in stages of courtship.

On the first date, you will comment on the influencer’s blog post, YouTube video or Facebook page. This is also the research phase. Find out their interests from social media and try to optimize your future email titles to be in line with this.

The second date will be about suggesting real value and making a tactical pitch. This phase is also devoted to getting a more trusted line of communication, such as their primary email or phone number.

The third date is the proposition to collaborate.

The 2nd date…an evening of charming manipulation

I won’t attempt to list all of the successful “second date” manipulation tactics out there, but I will take you through a few that I’ve personally done (or thought of) and that I KNOW work.

1) Guest posting: Every blog needs some good content, and you can only generate so much on your own. The strongest blogs have a community of contributing users. Wise influencers, such as the ones you will be courting, know to pay attention to their biggest fans…in this case, you. The guest post maneuver as an initial contact that looks something like this:

Hey Jeanine,

My name is Kirill, I came across your blog from a Google search for the keyword “business women.” I think your blog is a cool community and just a really good idea in general. I am writing a few articles for school and was wondering if I could feature one of them in your blog sometime…here are the topics I am covering, let me know if any of these pique your interest.

Why are there so few women in the American tech industry?

The world’s highest paid women: Who they are and how they got there

Power tips from Arriana Huffington, the internet’s most powerful woman

I’m going to start writing this weekend when me and the folks are up at the Salton Sea so (preferably) drop me a line before then!

2) Broken links: Here we leveraged our SEO background to get some contact with the webmaster of our target sites. It was pretty simple, really. All we did is take the sites we liked and ran a Xenu Sleuth broken link report. Then we contacted them and said we ran the report and would they like to see it?

3) App development: This one is a little more labor intensive but boy does it work. You develop an app and make it embeddable. Then you go around offering it to people. We did a pretty good job leveraging this one when we needed influencers in the construction business.

We created an app that calculated r-value for insulation. It took a number of inputs such as size of room, temperature, environment, soil temperature, time of year, and others, and gave the contractor the r-value of the wallboard they should use for a particular project. It’s a nifty tool and many of them were happy to have it embedded in their site. In return, we got access to their audiences, Facebook walls, YouTube accounts and blogs.

4) Giving gifts: Giving gifts can be creepy yet devastatingly effective. Check out this outreach technique we used for a dating site. This was sent to a female blogger who blogged about her experiences at NYU: Random hook-ups, long-nights out and the drama of being a sophomore with no particular purpose in life. She had about 90,000 visits/month to her site and 400k YouTube views. This was sent by our female intern, Joanna:


Hey honey, love your videos. My boss gave me this outreach budget so I guess now I can afford to send random goodies to bloggers whom he wants to “appease,” as he likes to say. I’ve been following your blog before I got this job and think it’s hilarious. You also seemed kind of sleepy in your last video so I’m going to let you choose between a pound of Trimeria organic coffee (from Brazil) or this six-pack of Angry Scotsman Scottish ale you can share with your highlander-looking friend, Benny.



Joanna also attached pics to this email. Needless to say this turned into a relationship we leveraged for links and audience. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, Benny was this girl’s latest flame.)

5) The soft sell

In the 1959 classic, 12 Angry Men, Henry Fonda’s character wins over a hung jury, of which he is a member. 11 people thought the suspect was guilty and Henry was the sole holdout. By the end of the film, it was 12-0 in favor of not guilty. How did he do it? Not by asking them for their vote right away, that’s for sure!

He mastered the soft sell, also known as the soft pitch. He started by asking them random things, like what they thought about life, about their families. Here is an example of the (sometimes conniving) soft pitch we used in combination with the broken link technique.

Electric web: Hey my friend is interested in possibly buying some of your fuel injector cleaner, do you guys ship to Canada?

Target: Yes, we offer shipping there.

Electric web: Great, by the way I noticed something funny about your site, can you put me in touch with the person who manages your site?

Target: That would be me, what seems to be the problem?

Electric web: Oh, I just noticed broken links here and here. I attached a report for you.

And it all started from there. Then we got a link from the guy for our help!

6) Just total wackiness! Sometimes, just the most off-the-wall approach will be enough to get attention. Here is an example of an outreach letter we sent to the web’s most popular mobile app blog.

I’m homeless but I like coded this app in 2 days do you want to see it?

To our chagrin, they bit! 2 months later we got a link from literally the best possible link target we could ever hope to reach.

7) Create something about them: This is an old school strategy but it still works great. Writing a story, including them in a “who’s who” or adding them to some kind of infographic or video is a great way to segway into meeting them. We were able to get in touch with a top sex blogger for a client who managed a very popular dating website by writing a series of fiction stories about the influencer. It made some interesting content and got her attention!

8) Virtualization: This is probably one of the weirdest tactics on our list. Services such as offer to completely virtualize a photo and turn them into a talking avatar which tracks your mouse movements and can even respond to questions for just $10/month. A quirky technique I recently thought of that I hadn’t even had the chance to try yet, is to take an influencer and virtualize them… Then see what they have to say about it. How can you possibly NOT link to a living virtual avatar of you on the web.


9) The simulacrum

In 2005, Randy Garner performed what was, to me anyway, a historic study. He sent out thousands of commercial offers in a direct mail campaign, which is a lot trickier than trying to get people to care online. He did four groups. The first group received letters from just an ordinary (made up) guy: “Harold Rogers.” “Harold” made them an offer for a financial services instrument.

The second group of people received letters selling the same thing from a person with…a similar name as them…

The third group of people received letters from someone with a similar age, occupation, and race as them…

And the last group received a letter from someone with a similar name, age, occupation AND race as them. He sent out 4688 letters in total.

Which group do you think had the highest response rate? Creepily enough, it was the last group.

This study is what prompted me to invent the “simulacrum” strategy, an online version of the famed Gardner study; A fake online identity that mirrors the influencer in attempts to gain their favor and trust. Preliminary evidence on a live campaign we are doing now seems positive, but we can’t be sure until we test it again against the control. Will keep you posted!


Influencer outreach studies

Unfortunately, very few reliable influencer outreach studies have been performed. Of the ones that were, here is a quick digest.

The gender dynamics study. Owl Purdue performed a study of online outreach by gender. They found conclusively that women are 44% more likely to get a positive response then men. Not surprising given people with most internet clout tend to be men. Of course, this is across all markets. Some projects do require a man. Try to intuitively sense which gender dynamic would benefit you most.

— Job title study. Owl Purdue performed another study a year later about job titles to see if people responded better to “everymen” or people with important-sounding job titles. They found that it didn’t really matter. Important job titles got about 2% more responses, barely enough to beat out the margin of error.

Timing study. Stanford grad students studied outreach and timing, breaking it up into morning, day and evening. Evening outreach did about 11% better than morning or day.

Customization. Stanford students in the same study looked at customization of outreach. Not surprisingly, they found a 28% improvement in response for customized outreach versus slightly personalized.

Persistence: A study conducted by Distilled and published on Seo MOZ showed the following data

Common sense

Before I wrap this up I just want to say, make sure your outreach contains common sense elements such as:

— Your real first and last name in the signature

— Your primary email and phone number in the signature

— Links to social media profiles and website so we know you’re a real person

— A follow-up proposition such as “when can we touch base about this again?” This is to convince your target you are not trying a “hit and run” outreach

— Introduce yourself in the first sentence

— Brevity (no one likes a long email)

— Personalization (for heaven’s sake, don’t use boiler plate. Take the time to write a normal email.)

Thanks guys, that’s all. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Challenge & vision

Rakuten, Japan’s largest e-commerce site, aimed to improve their customer experience by better predicting customer behaviors, which is crucial for e-commerce success. With over 200 million products, Rakuten needed to implement advanced AI-driven solutions to forecast sales more accurately and segment their buyers in real-time. The goal was to leverage AI to enhance operational efficiency and provide more personalized shopping experiences while optimizing inventory management and marketing

What We Did

We partnered with Rakuten’s Rakuten Institute of Technology to implement AI-driven solutions capable of analyzing their vast product catalog. By utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time data processing, we developed a system that could accurately forecast sales trends, enabling better inventory planning and customer segmentation.
Our team also integrated a sophisticated real-time buyer segmentation tool that uses dynamic customer data to identify purchasing patterns and preferences. This solution allowed Rakuten to deliver more personalized recommendations, improve customer engagement, and ultimately boost conversion rates.

our approach

We focused on leveraging AI technology to address the complexity of Rakuten’s vast product database and diverse customer base. By developing scalable algorithms that could process real-time data, we ensured that Rakuten could continuously adapt to changing customer behaviors, market trends, and product demands.
Our approach was data-driven and iterative, allowing for continuous improvement of the models based on user interactions and market shifts. We also worked closely with Rakuten to ensure that the AI tools were seamlessly integrated into their existing systems, allowing for smooth, real-time operation without disrupting their workflow.


With the AI-driven solutions in place, Rakuten significantly improved the accuracy of their sales forecasts and enhanced their ability to segment customers in real time. These advancements led to more efficient inventory management, reduced product stockouts, and improved marketing targeting. As a result, Rakuten was able to deliver a more personalized shopping experience, driving higher customer satisfaction and boosting sales performance across their platform.

Rakuten Institute of Technology

Challenge & vision

As modern vehicles become increasingly connected and complex, BMW faced the challenge of creating a digital solution that would offer drivers access to vital vehicle information, services, and functionalities in one central place. The goal was to build an all-encompassing app that improved the ownership experience by integrating BMW and MINI vehicles with the digital lifestyles of their customers.


Web App

What we did

We developed the BMW Driver’s Guide app available for iOS & Android. This app serves as an essential companion for BMW drivers, connecting users with their vehicles and providing direct access to key features that enhance convenience and safety.

The app includes features such as vehicle status updates, remote services like locking and unlocking doors, and integration with third-party services such as Amazon Alexa. Additionally, users can manage digital services, schedule maintenance, and even call for Roadside Assistance—all from within the app.

our approach

Understanding the importance of digital integration in the automotive industry, our approach was rooted in crafting a highly secure, user-friendly, and multifunctional app that would serve as the go-to platform for BMW and MINI owners. Collaborating closely with BMW AG, we focused on optimizing the app’s usability, ensuring a flawless connection between the vehicle and the app.

Our development process involved several key steps:

  • – Design: We prioritized user experience, using data from BMW’s existing digital ecosystem to design features that cater to the specific needs of drivers.
  • – Integration: The app integrates with existing BMW and MINI digital infrastructures, as well as third-party services like Amazon Alexa.
  • – Continuous Updates: We implemented a system for continuous updates to introduce new features, enhance performance, and adapt to the latest technological advancements in real time.


10 million+ Active Users
2 Million Daily Users
Users can control their vehicles remotely

By creating an app that allows BMW to extend its service capabilities far beyond the confines of the car, we’ve helped them position themselves as a leader in digital automotive innovation. BMW drivers can now stay connected to their vehicles anytime, anywhere, making their driving experience more convenient, personalized, and reliable.

BMW Driver's Guide App

Challenge & vision

Navigating large, bustling airports can be particularly challenging for individuals with mobility issues. Traditional transportation services often fall short in providing the necessary accommodations, leading to a less-than-optimal experience for wheelchair passengers. Recognizing this gap, there was a clear need for a specialized, on-demand transportation solution that could cater specifically to the needs of wheelchair users within the airport environment. The challenge was to create an app that would provide a seamless, comfortable, and dignified transit experience for passengers with mobility challenges.


Web App

What we did

We developed SmartWeels, a pioneering mobile application launched at JFK Airport, designed to transform the travel experience for wheelchair users. Functioning similarly to popular ride-hailing services like Uber, SmartWeels offers an on-demand transportation service within the airport, specifically tailored to the needs of passengers with mobility issues.

our approach

Our approach was centered around creating a highly accessible and user-friendly platform that meets the specific needs of wheelchair users in a complex airport environment. We worked closely with mobility experts and accessibility advocates to ensure that every aspect of the app was designed with the user in mind.


improved the airport experience for wheelchair users
Increased Independence
SmartWeels has led to a marked increase in customer satisfaction among wheelchair passengers at JFK Airport
SmartWeels has garnered attention for its innovative approach to accessibility

Through the development and launch of SmartWeels, we have created a solution that directly addresses the unique challenges faced by wheelchair users in large airports. SmartWeels stands as a testament to the power of technology to create more inclusive environments, ensuring that everyone can navigate public spaces with ease and confidence.


Challenge & vision

In an age where media conglomerates dominate the news landscape, local stories and grassroots perspectives often go unheard. There was a pressing need for a platform that could empower individuals to share news from their own communities, giving a voice to those who are often overlooked by mainstream media. The challenge was to create a mobile application that would be easy to use, yet powerful enough to enable everyday citizens to act as journalists, reporting on the events that matter most in their neighborhoods.



Our Solution

We developed a groundbreaking mobile application, launched in 2023, specifically designed to empower ordinary people to become citizen journalists. This app provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to record, edit, and share news stories directly from their smartphones, allowing them to document and disseminate information about events happening in their local communities.

our approach

Our approach focused on creating a user-friendly yet powerful platform that could be utilized by individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. We aimed to build an app that was accessible, inclusive, and capable of fostering community engagement through hyper-local news coverage.


Supporting Citizen Journalists
Better Community Engagement
Democratization of Information

Through the creation of this innovative app, we have transformed the way local news is reported and shared, giving everyday individuals the power to shape the news narrative in their own communities. The app not only promotes greater community involvement but also plays a crucial role in democratizing the flow of information, making local stories accessible to a broader audience.

The ||| Eye


Dokita 247

This revolutionary app is rapidly growing to provide telemedicine services across West Africa, and then, the world.

Rather than taking expensive and long trips to the doctor, users can now easily be paired with local or international doctors via video chat in order to receive prompt and professional medical services, including integration with pharmacies to fulfill and pick up prescriptions.


This fully loaded airline application enables customized sign in/sign up log in user identity management synced with airline databases, flight booking and ecom functionality, trip modification, flight status, and hot daily deals for flights to exotic destinations such as Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai and London.


This app allows you to feel what it’s like to get behind the wheel of a Hyundai and not just virtually- allowing a Hyundai to be brought directly to your door in New Orleans, Orange County, Providence, San Francisco, St. Louis, or Washington DC.

After completing the drive, the app automatically gives you a $25 gift card. The Slick “find your Hyundai feature allows you to customize and perfect your test drive and purchase.

Social media integration enables your friends to chime in on which Hyundai would work best for you. And lastly there is a charity integration which allows for instant donations.


Challenge & vision

Finding the right healthcare professional can be a daunting and often inefficient process for patients, especially when they have specific medical needs or preferences. SkyTherapist was developed to solve this problem by employing a sophisticated artificial intelligence system that intelligently matches patients with the most appropriate healthcare professionals. The AI-powered platform takes into account over 12 critical variables—such as medical specialization, experience, history of successful treatments, and patient preferences—to ensure that each patient receives care from the healthcare professional best suited to their specific needs.

What we did

We built an AI-driven platform designed to enhance patient care by intelligently matching individuals with the most suitable healthcare professionals. The AI system evaluates a wide range of factors, including medical specialization, successful treatment history, patient ratings, geographic proximity, and personal care preferences. By processing large volumes of data and identifying patterns, the AI offers a personalized list of the top healthcare professionals for each patient.

our approach

Our approach was to leverage the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to create a more accurate, efficient, and personalized method of connecting patients with healthcare providers.


SkyTherapist has significantly improved the process of connecting patients with the right healthcare professionals by offering a personalized, data-driven matching service.

Through the development of SkyTherapist, we have leveraged artificial intelligence to create a platform that not only automates patient-care matching but also enhances the quality of care by ensuring that patients are paired with the healthcare professionals most likely to provide optimal outcomes.



Challenge & vision

Traditional document management systems often struggle with security and user authentication, leading to vulnerabilities such as identity theft, unauthorized access, and inefficient validation processes. Organizations need secure, reliable, and efficient methods to authenticate users and ensure only authorized individuals can access sensitive documents. Vivadere was developed to tackle these challenges by utilizing advanced artificial intelligence technology for secure user authentication.

What we did

We partnered with Vivadere to develop an AI-powered document management system that uses advanced biometric facial recognition technology for secure and efficient user authentication. The system analyzes up to 36 facial features in real time through a user’s webcam or mobile device camera. With the ability to compare against a database containing tens of thousands of records, the platform achieves a 98% accuracy rate in user identification. For the remaining 2% of cases, additional features are used to ensure 100% validation and secure access.

our approach

Our approach centered on leveraging artificial intelligence and biometric technology to create a secure, scalable, and highly accurate authentication system for document management.


Vivadere has significantly enhanced the security and efficiency of document management systems through the use of AI-powered facial recognition technology.

Improved Security
High Accuracy

By developing Vivadere, we have provided a state-of-the-art document management system that combines AI technology with biometric authentication to deliver secure, accurate, and scalable user verification. This system sets a new standard for document security and user identification in industries that handle sensitive information.


Is there anything better than rocketing down the Autobahn at 130 miles per hour in your brand new Audi? Well maybe not but this app is the closest you can get without shelling out six figures. This app, with over 50,000 installs gives you a look at the captivating 360 footage captured by Audi’s test drivers, from concept cars, to top of the line models.


Virtual reality is the new frontier for journalism. To not just tell a story, not just record it but allow people to experience it and immerse themselves in a new reality like no other. By revolutionizing the format available for journalism, the Times has provided a whole new way to experience the world.


Web App

Challenge & vision

The increasing demand for digital content and the rise of piracy have led to significant challenges in ensuring the protection and proper distribution of digital rights. Sony DRM Blockchain was developed to address these challenges by providing a secure, transparent, and scalable solution for digital rights management (DRM). By leveraging blockchain technology, the platform ensures that content creators and distributors can accurately track and manage the usage rights of their digital assets, reducing piracy and ensuring fair compensation.

What we did

We partnered with Sony to develop an innovative DRM platform that leverages blockchain technology to securely manage digital rights. The platform provides content creators and distributors with tools to monitor, protect, and enforce their digital rights across various media formats. This solution ensures that all transactions related to digital rights are transparent, immutable, and easily verifiable.

our approach

We integrated blockchain technology with Sony’s existing DRM systems to create a robust, secure, and transparent platform. The solution leverages the decentralized nature of blockchain to provide a tamper-proof record of all digital rights transactions, ensuring the integrity of content distribution and usage.


Sony DRM Blockchain has empowered content creators and distributors with a cutting-edge solution for managing and protecting their digital rights. Key impacts include:

Enhanced Digital Rights Protection
Transparency in Content Distribution
Support for Fair Compensation

Through the development of Sony DRM Blockchain, we have helped the entertainment industry take significant steps toward securing digital content and ensuring fair usage rights. The platform’s use of blockchain technology has positioned Sony as a leader in digital rights management innovation.

Sony DRM Blockchain

Challenge & vision

The growing concern over carbon emissions and climate change has led industries and governments worldwide to focus on sustainability efforts and reducing their carbon footprint. Carbon2o2 was developed to address this challenge by providing a blockchain-based platform for carbon emission tracking and management. The solution ensures accurate, transparent, and scalable tracking of carbon credits and emissions.

What we did

We partnered with Carbon2o2 to develop an innovative platform that leverages blockchain technology to track, manage, and reduce carbon emissions. The platform provides organizations with the tools they need to accurately monitor their carbon footprints, trade carbon credits, and ensure transparency in their environmental impact reporting.

our approach

We combined blockchain and IoT technologies to provide a robust solution that could support organizations in their carbon reduction initiatives.


Carbon2o2 has provided businesses with a cutting-edge solution to manage their carbon emissions more effectively and transparently. Key impacts include:

Improved Carbon Tracking
Carbon Credit Trading
Support for Sustainability Goals

Through the development of Carbon2o2, we have helped organizations take meaningful steps toward sustainability by offering a transparent, scalable, and efficient solution for tracking and managing carbon emissions. The platform’s use of blockchain and IoT technology has positioned it as a leader in carbon management and sustainability innovation.

Carbon 2o2

Challenge & vision

Traditional supply chain management systems often suffer from fragmented data, lack of accountability, and difficulty verifying product authenticity, leading to operational inefficiencies and mistrust between stakeholders. VeChain was developed to address these issues by offering a blockchain-based platform that ensures transparency and traceability across the entire supply chain.

What we did

We collaborated with VeChain to create a blockchain platform designed to revolutionize supply chain management and business processes across industries. VeChain utilizes smart contracts and IoT integration to capture data at every stage of the supply chain.

our approach

Our approach centered on building a blockchain platform that offers reliability, scalability, and flexibility to meet the demands of complex global supply chains. We incorporated advanced blockchain technologies and smart contracts to create a system that captures and stores data transparently and securely.


VeChain has transformed supply chain management by introducing transparency, traceability, and efficiency into industries that previously relied on fragmented systems. Some of the key outcomes include:

Increased Transparency
Strengthened Security
Wider Adoption of Blockchain

Through the development of VeChain, we have helped businesses adopt blockchain technology to improve their operations, reduce inefficiencies, and increase trust across supply chains.



Have you ever thought what it would be like to be all-star professional soccer player, Neymar? Well now you don’t have to. This collaboration with Nike will allow you to experience weaving through a wall of defenders, making that crucial pass, and volleying the ball into the opposing side’s goal with breathtaking speed.

New York Times

Virtual reality is the new frontier for journalism. To not just tell a story, not just record it but allow people to experience it and immerse themselves in a new reality like no other. By revolutionizing the format available for journalism, the Times has provided a whole new way to experience the world.

Challenge & vision

Korean Air needed to provide passengers with a more efficient, personalized, and stress-free travel experience in a highly competitive and globalized airline industry. The airline needed an app that could streamline the entire travel process—from booking and check-in to real-time updates and in-flight services—while also enhancing customer loyalty through personalized services and rewards management.



What we did

In collaboration with Korean Air, we developed the Korean Air My for iOS and Android, a mobile solution aimed at enhancing the travel experience for millions of passengers. The app serves as a digital gateway for passengers to manage every aspect of their journey, from booking and check-in to in-flight services and post-flight feedback.

The app was designed with a variety of features to ensure a convenient and informative travel experience. Key features include real-time flight information, mobile boarding passes, easy seat selection, baggage tracking, and the ability to earn and manage frequent flyer miles.

our approach

Our approach to developing the Korean Air My App focused on creating a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable platform that meets the diverse needs of travelers.


The Korean Air My has played a pivotal role in improving the overall travel experience for passengers while solidifying Korean Air’s commitment to digital innovation. Here are some of the key impacts:

Millions of Downloads
Enhanced Passenger Experience
Increased Loyalty Engagement
Operational Efficiency

Through the development of the Korean Air My, we have helped Korean Air offer a digitally enhanced, customer-centric travel experience that meets the demands of today’s global travelers. The app serves as an indispensable tool for passengers, empowering them with greater control over their travel journey while reinforcing Korean Air’s status as a leader in the aviation industry.

Korean Air My App


Challenge & vision

As automotive technology continues to evolve, Mercedes-Benz recognized the growing demand for a digital platform that could offer their customers access to their vehicles features and services. The challenge was to design an app that not only met the sophisticated needs of Mercedes-Benz drivers but also enhanced their overall driving experience by integrating advanced connectivity features into a single, intuitive interface.


Web App

What we did

We crafted the Mercedes me app, a sophisticated mobile application for both iOS, Android and as a Web App, designed to serve as the ultimate digital companion for Mercedes-Benz owners. The app was built to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, giving users unparalleled control over their vehicles, whether they are behind the wheel or miles away. The app features a comprehensive suite of tools, including real-time vehicle data, remote operation capabilities like engine start and door lock/unlock, and precise vehicle location tracking.

our approach

Our development strategy centered on creating a premium digital experience that aligns with the luxury and innovation Mercedes-Benz customers expect. Collaboration with the Mercedes-Benz team was key to ensuring the app met the brand’s high standards for quality and functionality.


millions of Mercedes-Benz drivers using the app
Improved User Engagement
Elevated Brand Perception

Through the development of the Mercedes me app, we have delivered a cutting-edge digital platform that transforms the way Mercedes-Benz drivers interact with their vehicles. The app not only enhances convenience but also deepens the connection between driver and vehicle, offering a truly luxurious and integrated ownership experience.


Before you take the leap and jump into a Volvo wouldn’t it be helpful to get a sense of what it would feel like on the road? The Volvo VR app allows you to take a breathtaking plunge into the mountains surrounding Gothenburg, Sweden, cruising down Nordic coastline and over Alpine ridges. While it can’t beat the actual Scandinavian vacation you can get if you go ahead and buy a Volvo, it is a sublime way to explore every nook and cranny of this phenomenal marvel of automotive engineering as well as explore the Swedish countryside in an immersive way that would not otherwise be possible, through the windshield of your very own first class Volvo. Additionally features include intricate behind the scenes footage of Volvo construction, safety information and other details.


Web App

Challenge & vision

As vehicles become more advanced, there is a growing need for an integrated digital solution that allows drivers to manage and interact with their vehicles. Toyota faced the challenge of creating a centralized platform that would unify various vehicle-related functions, services, and information into a single, user-friendly app. The goal was to enhance the overall ownership experience by providing Toyota drivers with a comprehensive digital tool that would connect their vehicles to their digital lifestyles.



What we did

We developed the Toyota App, available for both iOS and Android platforms, which serves as an all-in-one companion for Toyota vehicle owners. This app connects users with their vehicles, offering a range of features that enhance convenience, safety, and the overall driving experience.

our approach

Understanding the importance of digital innovation in the automotive sector, our approach centered around creating a secure, intuitive, and multifunctional app that would become an essential tool for Toyota owners. By collaborating closely with Toyota Motor Corporation, we focused on delivering an app that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of modern drivers.


millions of downloads and a growing base of active users
Better ownership experience
Increased Brand Loyalty

Through the development of the Toyota App, we have empowered Toyota drivers with a powerful tool that brings their vehicles into the digital age, offering unprecedented control, convenience, and connectivity.



Made famous in the US by Bill Murry’s reluctant endorsement in “Lost in Translation,” Suntory (also spelled Santori) is one of Japan’s most prestigious whiskey brands. Established in 1899, the Santori brand utilized this app to access a younger, mobile-equipped audience. BAR-NAVI is an app designed for the Japanese market, to assist Santori connoisseurs in finding not just the right bar, and the right ambiance on a busy Tokyo Friday night but also to find a bar that Is stocked with the right inventory for the discerning Santori drinker. Real time stock filtering for Santori based on age, bottling location, and inventory is available as well as geo-location features to find friends and meet up with them for a glass of immortal Santori whiskey.


McDonald’s Sweden had a brilliant and unique idea to take their iconic brand into the age of virtual reality. A happy meal which, once eaten, transforms into a virtual reality headset. This unique box design folded out into an experiential adventure for the kids who used. Working with the McDonald’s team was both rewarding and challenging as we sought to realize a previously unreached milestone.

Picture that shiny new BMW in your front driveway, show it off on Instagram or on Facebook. Now you don’t have to wait a lifetime to afford one. The BMW VR/AR app suite allows you to place and “picture” any BMW you want in any location. Great for playing up online dating profiles, fooling your friends, pranking your husband or wife, or generally just living the BMW dream on a shoestring budget. Additionally, you can utilize the real life dimensions and spatial recognition/reconstruction augmentation of this app to figure out whether your BMW will fit in a particular parking garage or other space.