
Mobile Apps

We make incredible mobile applications for iOS and Android

How will your company capitalize on the growing market trends in mobile?

Consider these facts: By 2026, mobile search has overtaken desktop search (source: BIA/Kelsey “Annual U.S. Local Media Forecast 2011-2024,”) 85% of the United States owns a smartphone as of 2024 (source: comScore Inc. “January 2024 U.S.

Smartphone Subscriber Market Share,”) and the average user spends over 40 hours a month on apps compared to 6 hours on the mobile web. The trends are clear: Developing a mobile app will greatly increase engagement and modernize the brand, allowing users to easily connect with you on the go.

Monthly usage of mobile apps vs Mobile web


Mobile App


92% of their time spent on media is through mobile apps

Mobile Web


2% of their time spent on media is through the mobile web

us local mobile vs desktop search volume, 2020–2026





Our process is based on a proprietary incremental development system in which solutions are formed by collaboration amongst self-organizing teams.


Our method starts with modeling. To understand the project we must first understand the organization we are working with. What challenges do they face and how will our application overcome the problem domain?


The problem domain model is then turned into executable code. The code is subjected to rigorous unit testing.


Objective evaluation of quality means finding defects and fixing them, as well as verifying all project requirements are met.


The next stage is to develop system delivery, how will the system be deployed to end users?


Next, we manage access to project artifacts by tracking them and managing their changes.


Finally, we have our development release in Apple Store and/or Google Play. A new idea has been brought to life.


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Question Answer
How much do your applications cost? Every project must be custom quoted. If it is a large project, you will first require a specification report in order to receive the final quotation. Our projects range anywhere from $3,000 to $450,000.
How long do your projects take? Every project is different but the average project takes 2 to 7 months for completion.
What operating systems do you program for? Our developers can create an application for any operating system or device.
What programming languages do your developers know? There are 20, highly experienced developers at ELEKTRIK. Between the 20 of them, every relevant programming language is represented. Please let us know your project requirements and we will suggest which resources are needed to execute them.
What are your payment terms? We have flexible payments allowing for financing in multiple installments. Please contact us to learn more.
Who owns the intellectual property of your applications once they are complete? Once an application is complete, the intellectual property (IP) typically belongs to the client. This is usually stipulated in the contract between the developer and the client, where the developer assigns all rights to the client upon completion and delivery of the project. This ensures that the client has full ownership and control over the application, including the right to modify, distribute, and commercialize it as they see fit.
What kind of warranties do you provide? ELEK+RIK provides full performance warranty and guarantee of their products and services, backed by financial remedy.
How long do your projects take? Every project is different but the average project takes 2 to 7 months for completion.
What operating systems do you program for? Our developers can create an application for any operating system or device.
What programming languages do your developers know?

Our developers are proficient in a wide range of programming languages tailored for mobile development, including Java, which is widely used for Android app development, and Kotlin, a modern alternative to Java for Android development known for its concise syntax. They also know Swift, the primary language for iOS development known for its performance and safety, and Objective-C, an older language for iOS development still in use for maintaining legacy apps. Additionally, they are skilled in JavaScript, used with frameworks like React Native for cross-platform mobile app development, Dart, used with the Flutter framework for cross-platform app development, and C#, used with Xamarin for cross-platform mobile applications.

What are your payment terms? We have flexible payments allowing for financing in multiple installments. Please contact us to learn more.
Who owns the intellectual property of your applications once they are complete Upon development of any given application, we generally sign over the full IP to the paying customer. In some cases, customers choose to reduce their cash investment by giving us full or partial IP over the final product.